Digital Divas 2024 - cum a fost

2024.09.13 Ieri am fost la Digital Divas, am stat putin: am ajuns pe la 11:11,…

Free courses @AFP - Digital Investigation Techniques

2022.08.21 Follow the steps of a modern Sherlock Holmes, take some free Digital…

Book: Lessons from from Madame Chic by Jennifer L. Scott

I bought this book,  Lessons from from Madame Chic, 20 Stylish Secrets I learne…

[Course] [MasterClass] Karla Welch - Building and Owning Your Personal Style

drawing by me had a yearly Labour Day 50% percent promotion …

inspiraţie de la mine, Maria, soție / mamă/ graficiană/ antreprenoare școală de navigatie velier

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