RO: Vara e pe val, caldura mare, o tinuta mai deosebita pentru plaja ar fi costum de baie si un kimono subtire care sa te acopere cand nu mai stai la plaja. De preferat costumul de baie sa fie intr-o nuanta care se regaseste pe kimono. As accesoriza tinuta cu niste papuci/ slapi cu stelute de mare si o poseta din rafie cu maner din bambus, pentru a continua inspiratia asiatica. Ca prosop am ales unul rotund ca o mandala de pe amazon. Ca lectura, am propus ceva mai usurel, nu o carte ci o revista, mai precis Vogue, daca aveti acces, daca nu, Glamour sau ce mai se gaseste, cu greu, pe la standuri. ( In poza e o coperta Vogue Philippines)
Da, e foarte frumos ce propun in aceste tinute, dar adevarul e ca eu nu-mi permit sa port asa ceva, poate voi reveni si cu tinuta mea de plaja. Esti curioasa? Care e tinuta ta la plaja?
EN: Summer is here, the heat is high, a more special outfit for the beach would be a bathing suit and a thin kimono to cover you when you're not sunbathing. It is preferable for the bathing suit to be in a shade that can be found on the kimono. I would accessorize the outfit with some slippers/flip-flops with starfish and a raffia bag with a bamboo handle, to continue the Asian inspiration. As a towel I chose a round one like a mandala from Amazon. For reading, I proposed something easier, not a book but a magazine, more precisely Vogue, if you have access, if not, Glamour or what else can hardly be found at the stands. ( The photo is cover Vogue Philippines)
Yes, it's very nice what I propose in these outfits, but the truth is that I can't afford to wear something like that, maybe I'll come back with my real beach outfit. You're curious? What is your beach outfit?
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